Heather Martin - When Are You Coming Home

Added November 19, 2006
From Bye2Love

This song is not meant to make a political statement of any kind. It's simply about a family that is missing a brother. The young man who joined the army did so of his own free will. He was 20 years old and his parents played no part in his decision to serve his country. They are proud to have such a brave son.

I am only the best friend (for 34 years) of the mother, Cindy. It is my honor to post this video on YouTube. All of the wonderful messages that I have received are being forwarded to Heather and her mother.

Heather loves to sing. Since she was small she has always tried to get to the microphone first at church so she could sing. She always loved karaoke and would beg for the mic. She still loves singing more than just about anything.
Heather loves her brother and misses him. She has many memories of him. He comes home every chance he gets and will probably get to come home for a short time in February or March.

Before I truned on the camera Heather was really acting silly and laughing. What many of you have said looks like crying at the first is just Heather rubbing her eyes like any 6 year old might do.

6 year old Heather Martin sings a song that her mother wrote for her Brother Shaun who is serving in Iraq. The song is written from Heather's point of view.


You were almost sixteen when I came into the world.
Mom and Dad had you first then 3 more boys I'm the baby girl.
I sure have a lot to look up to in you, you're really smart and funny with a big heart too.
After one year of college you knew what you had to do.
It's just like you wanting to help with the war.
So you joined the army when I was only 4.
This time of year we talk of big plans but you're over seas in some distant land.
You can't be here for Christmas, I don't understand.

When are you coming home, Shaun?
When are you coming home?!
We lit up the house like we always do but it doesn't seem bright 'cause we can't have you.
In my prayers I ask God to keep you safe.
And I'm trying to be really brave.
Tell me that the fighting's through.
Come home!
I really miss you.

It's hard to enjoy the holidays without you.
But we're so proud of you and all the red white and blue.
Remember that Jesus is your best friend,
And someday our families will be together again.
Wow! You know we'll have a great big party then.


I want to show you how tall I've grown and introduce you to my new friends at school.
Maybe we could go and get some ice cream together but I really don't care what we do.


Re: Heather Martin - When Are You Coming Home

so when are you
coming home,

「Heather Martin : When Are You Coming Home」。意味としてはつまんないと思う。「御国のために頑張って。でも生きて帰っておいで」ってだけだから。神様がどうのとまでひっぱりだして保険をかけている。
 そんなうじゃけたことを言ってない分、与謝野晶子「君死に給ふことなかれ」の方が凄みがある。「親? 莫迦じゃん!スメラミコト? なにそれ? そんなもんの言うこときくことなんてないんだから! お嫁さんも待ってるじゃない!ええ? あんた、死んだら、うちの身上、誰が支えんのさ? 死ぬなよ!生きて帰っておいで! 」となんの衒いも保留もなしに言い切っている。

ああおとうとよ、君を泣く 君死にたまふことなかれ
 末に生まれし君なれば   親のなさけは まさりしも
 親は刃をにぎらせて  人を殺せと をしへしや
 人を殺して死ねよとて  二十四までを そだてしや

 堺の街の あきびとの  旧家をほこる あるじにて
 親の名を継ぐ君なれば  君死にたまふことなかれ
 旅順の城はほろぶとも  ほろびずとても何事ぞ
 君は知らじな、あきびとの  家のおきてに無かりけり

 君死にたまふことなかれ、 すめらみことは、戦ひに
 おほみづからは出でまさね  かたみに人の血を流し
 獣の道に死ねよとは、 死ぬるを人のほまれとは、
 大みこころの深ければ もとよりいかで思されむ。

 ああおとうとよ、戦ひに 君死にたまふことなかれ
 すぎにし秋を父ぎみに  おくれたまへる母ぎみは、
 なげきの中に いたましく わが子を召され、家を守り
 安しときける大御代も  母のしら髪は まさりぬる。

 暖簾のかげに伏して泣く あえかにわかき新妻を
 君わするるや、思へるや 十月も添はで わかれたる
 少女ごころを思ひみよ この世ひとりの君ならで
 ああまた誰をたのむべき  君死にたまふことなかれ。

 晶子の母は、「人を殺して死ねよとて  二十四までを そだてし」親だが、Heather Martinの母は、「人を殺して生きよとて  二十の歳まで そだてし」親だ。「スメラミコト」が「God」になり、「若妻」が「末の妹」に換わっているのは、お国柄かご時世か?

「Shaun! いつアメリカへ帰んのさ?あんたが国に帰るのを心待ちにしてるのは、妹だけじゃないんだよ? 早く去んでくれ! 生きてでも死んででもかまわないから」