Jean Genet: To break the order? Of course!

I had a dream last night

I dreamed that the technicians / at this little film revolted

While they're taking the shots.. the preparation at this film..

..they never have the right to speak: / how does that come about?

And I thought they might have / enough guts.. push me out...

..and take my place

But nevertheless they're not moving

Could you ask them how they explain that?

(Yes. How they..)

..why they don't come and / push me out. and you too..

..and say 'It's so stupid / what you're saying..

'..that I don't want to carry on / with this work'

Ask them

(Yes certainly. Because they don't / speak French)

The sound man as well

(But does it interest you to / break the order of things..)

(..since you were dreaming about it..)

( you want to break the order / in this room?)

To break the order? Of course! seems so rigid - / I am all on my own here..

..and in front of me are / people

Of course I want to break the order

That's why yesterday I asked you / to come and sit here

(Is it like a police interrogation?)

There is that about it. yes. I told you..

Is the camera rolling? Good

I told you yesterday that you/ were behaving like policemen

And you're carrying on like that now. / this morning

I told you that yesterday / and you've already forgotten...

because you're continuing / to interrogate me..

...exactly like the thief I was / thirty years ago..

I was interrogated by the police / by a squad of police

And I am alone on this little chair / being questioned by lots of people

There is the room on one side / where you are.. and elsewhere..

..the editors of the film / and the BBC..

...and then there is the margin / where I am...

...where I am marginalized

If I am afraid to join the norm..

..then so be it

And if I am getting annoyed..'s because I am even now / joining the norm

I'm going into English homes

And of course I'm not pleased

But I'm not annoyed with you / for being part of the norm..

I'm annoyed with myself / for accepting to come here..

and I'm ready not pleased about that

(But your books are taught in schools. / Even here in England)

What are you talking about!

(It's true. I studied Genet at college)

(How do you feel about that?)

On the one hand..

..a feeling of vanity comes through...

..and ato the same time it's unpleasant

Is it running?

Well. ask me some questions..

..since the system requires..

..that I'm the one that gets questioned

"What remained of a Rembrandt"