

On November 24th at 6.40pm,
college student Alex Cerneka
was atacked
by four men he did not know

He sustained multiple fractures
and two stab wounds

while more than fifteen people
stood around and watched

The video you are about to see
was shot on a camera-phone
by a student at East Park High

The man in the mask is
a self-proclaimed 'local superhero'

This is the first time
he has been captured on film

He protected Mister Cerneka
for almost eight minutes

until cops arrived
and his attackers fled

Personally, we think
he's pretty AWESOME



Prior to the series, a viral campaign featuring a short video of Kick-Ass, the main character of the comic, being "caught on tape" performing a heroic act was uploaded to YouTube and spread around the Internet.

Wikipedia:Kick-Ass (comics)より)


キック・アス (ShoPro Books)

キック・アス (ShoPro Books)